

A series of essays wherein I explore the numerous musical identities of my favorite musician: from child prodigy to teen idol to guitar hero to singer/songwriter to award-winning in-demand film composer.
Featuring news/updates and commentary/analysis of Trevor's career and associated projects.
Comments are disabled but please feel free to contact me at rabinesque.blog@gmail.com.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

prized as platinum

A very happy birthday to Trevor, one of our national treasures, and we're grateful to continue to be the recipients of his creativity and artistic vision.  All good things to you on this day, Maestro!

Some pictures from the past for our collective viewing pleasure, which I imagine more than a few long-time fans have already seen/collected, but these are some of my favorites.

1978, this was from the same photo session which other publicity photos were used to promote Trevor Rabin.

This jacket dates way back, I think, so this might be either 70s or 80s era.

A very interesting piece of endorsement merchandising, from 1987.  Jon and Tony also had Korg phone cards.