

A series of essays wherein I explore the numerous musical identities of my favorite musician: from child prodigy to teen idol to guitar hero to singer/songwriter to award-winning in-demand film composer.
Featuring news/updates and commentary/analysis of Trevor's career and associated projects.
Comments are disabled but please feel free to contact me at rabinesque.blog@gmail.com.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

12 Monkeys: series preview

The SyFy Channel has posted the first nine minutes of the pilot episode of 12 Monkeys, which features a bit of Trevor and Paul's score.  Some nice use of percussion in there, which is one of Trevor's signature touches, of course.  But it appears - at least by way of IMDb credits - that Trevor only composed music for the pilot episode, and Paul was responsible for scoring the remainder of the season.  If that's truly the case (which will be verified in the weeks to come) then I hope that means work on the new solo album will continue forthwith.

In my previous post about the series debut I forgot to mention that the show can also be viewed on Hulu.com in addition to all the other sources.  It will be shown with limited commercial interruption on SyFy, January 16th at 9pm EST/PST, which actually makes a good case for watching it in real time.