

A series of essays wherein I explore the numerous musical identities of my favorite musician: from child prodigy to teen idol to guitar hero to singer/songwriter to award-winning in-demand film composer.
Featuring news/updates and commentary/analysis of Trevor's career and associated projects.
Comments are disabled but please feel free to contact me at rabinesque.blog@gmail.com.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dialogues (with Trevor)

Coming later this year is the (more) affordable paperback version of Jon Kirkman's Time and a Word book, containing interviews with nearly every member - past and present - of Yes, as well as many Yes associates, lavishly illustrated.  The new title is Yes Dialogue and you can sign up to be notified of pre-orders/publication via this site:

The format is somewhat reminiscent of Tim Morse's Yesstories (1996), as that was also a book constructed of interview segments.

Jon has uploaded various interview excerpts to his Soundcloud account and here are three from his interview with Trevor.
