

A series of essays wherein I explore the numerous musical identities of my favorite musician: from child prodigy to teen idol to guitar hero to singer/songwriter to award-winning in-demand film composer.
Featuring news/updates and commentary/analysis of Trevor's career and associated projects.
Comments are disabled but please feel free to contact me at rabinesque.blog@gmail.com.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Media Watch: ArtsATL interview

An ongoing series wherein I comment on Trevor's recent publicity.

Today an interview with Trevor was published in advance of ARW's performance in Atlanta on October 10th.

I really appreciate the interviewer taking the opportunity to ask atypical questions, because we don't see many of those kind.  I'd say this interview and the one for The Prog Report have been the best so far in this current promotional cycle.

One interesting thing for me personally was the lyrics Trevor quoted from "(Wake Up!) State Of Fear" as they were the exact same lines he quoted to the audience at his in-store appearance in 2012.