

A series of essays wherein I explore the numerous musical identities of my favorite musician: from child prodigy to teen idol to guitar hero to singer/songwriter to award-winning in-demand film composer.
Featuring news/updates and commentary/analysis of Trevor's career and associated projects.
Comments are disabled but please feel free to contact me at rabinesque.blog@gmail.com.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Media Watch: human highlight reel go-to guy

An ongoing series wherein I comment on Trevor's recent publicity.

Today's citation comes courtesy of a listicle on Sporting News, a ranking of the top ten inspiring sports movie scores.  At number eight is Trevor's score for Remember The Titans.  Titans is not a movie I'd actually riff on in this blog, as it is inspiring and uplifting, and its' score is considered one of Trevor's best; though its' true cultural touchstone status was achieved courtesy of our POTUS who used the main theme suite "Titans Spirit" in his 2008 campaign.

As we know, Trevor has composed a number of scores for sports-themed movies, the most recent of which was Grudge Match; besides Titans I'd say the best of them is for Glory Road, the 2006 college basketball drama.
